More experimentation with indigo overshot
A better result this time - I think I did a better job threading the heddles :)
Hiking and biking the Bold Coast
Gorgeous views when hiking and biking the Bold Coast and Schoodic Peninsula.
Indigo Overshot
My first shot at overshot weaving didn’t exactly go as planned, but I love the result!
Summer in Maine
Getting the most out of summer in Maine means lots of hiking and kayaking day trips.
Sewing with cotton canvas
Sewing comfortable summer basics with easy-wear sandwashed cotton canvas.
On the Loom: linen and cotton
Experimenting on the loom with cotton and linen, tabby and twill
Birthday Weekend at Black Point Inn
Dinners overlooking Scarborough Bay and quiet walks along Prout’s Neck Cliff Walk
Starry Dawn
Beautiful colorwork with yarns from an indie dyer in South Africa, but yet again, a yoked sweater results in a poor and unflattering fit.