Tamolitch Falls Blue Pool hike


Gorgeous hike with my youngest daughter along the McKenzie River Trail to Tamolitch Falls Blue Pool. No falls at this time of year, but the cerulean color of the pool at the end was spectacular!

Like many of Oregon’s best hikes these days, the trail can get so crowded that it’s impossible to do unless you go VERY early. We drove over two hours, and were on the trail by 7:30am (and weren’t even the first people there). Definitely worth the early hour, though, to have the trail (mostly) to ourselves (at least, until the hike back).

Although the blue pool at the end of the hike is stunning, my favorite part of the hike is following the McKenzie River. The trail takes you right along the water, and eventually across and then high above the river. Alia even managed to get into the middle of the river (on moss-covered boulders and even a log bridge spanning its entire width).


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