Maine: May 2021


A picture-perfect day for kayaking, I couldn’t believe how flat the water was! Out of Rockport harbor, around Indian Island lighthouse and all the way to Curtis Island lighthouse and Camden harbor, then back again. Probably the most beautiful day I’ve ever been on the water :)

A short jaunt to Broadturn Farm in Scarborough to pick up spring flowers. The barn was full of them, it was so hard to choose!


I hiked up Beech Hill to see the sun rise over the islands in Penobscot Bay.

Day trips to Wiscasset (left and center) and Cape Porpoise, with a distant view of Goat Island lighthouse (right). There were lilacs blooming EVERYWHERE.


Curtis Island lighthouse, shortly after sunrise - at this time of year, I have to get up before 5am to catch a sunrise shot.

Beauty everywhere walking the trail up Beauchamp Point.


Emmersen and I drove to the end of the Harpswells peninsula to Giants Steps. Incredibly beautiful rocky shores, ocean views, crashing waves and even a sailboat passing by. I much prefer the sights and solitude of these places to the craziness and crowds of Acadia!


We finished up our trip at Black Point Inn in Scarborough - one of my favorite places in the whole world. A sunrise beach run (above) and stunning views at all times of day along the Prouts Neck Cliff Walk (one of the most gorgeous ocean trails in Maine, and blessedly still a pretty well-kept secret).


Maine: June 2021


Carroty Carrot Cake