maine kayaking: round pond

A sunny, mild June morning . . . I put in around 8am at the public boat launch in Round Pond, on Pemaquid peninsula. Only a few cars in the lot, but fishing boats were already out and on the water. I headed to the left out of the harbor, working my way past Louds Island and Hog Island, toward Greenland Cove. The water was unbelievably still and calm, and it was silent except for the gulls and the water on the hull of the kayak.

I made it to the mouth of Greenland Cove before turning around. Spotted two seals in the distance, popping their heads out of the water, and on the way back, I came close to a mama and baby dolphin humping their way through the water - tried to get closer, but they were easily spooked and never resurfaced. Total time out and back was about three hours, including set-up and break-down. Next time I’ll save some time to hit Round Pond Coffee on the way home . . .


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