weaving: cotton bed blanket
Warp and weft: Henry’s Attic Great Big Softie
10 EPI (8-reed threaded 1-1-1-2)
Width on warp: 22”
220 ends
3.5-yard warp
Draft: twill (1-2-3-4-3-2-1)
I wove four lengths, and then a fifth that was half the width (approx 10”), using two mostly complete Henry’s Attic cones.
Finishiing: Hemstitch one end of each length, then sew the lengths together lengthwise, stitching down the seam selvedge with a zigzag stitch. Pull threads to get all five pieces the same length, then hemstitch the other end of the (now sewn) blanket.
Washing: On delicate cycle (cold) in washer and dryer.
Final dimensions: 77” x 81”