Mason Jar Leather Sleeves

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I made these for the By Hand Makers Retreat in September and I love how they turned out! Simple but effective :)

Leather (English Chestnut from Springfield Leather on Etsy)
Matching thread and contrast thread
Leather sewing machine needle
Branding iron and brand
Pinking shears

1. Cut leather into pieces 2 1/2" wide x 13 1/4" long.
2. Fold in half and scratch a line 5 1/8" from open short end on both sides (this is to mark where the stitch line will be).
3. Brand across one short end.
4. Stitch zigzag stitch with contrasting thread from the scratched line on one end to the scratched line on the other end (along the long side of the leather strip). Repeat along the opposite long side.
5. Cut both short ends with pinking shears.
6. Fold leather strip in half, making sure the two short ends match up. Hold in place with craft clips. Using matching thread, stitch two ends together along scratched line.


Autumn in mid-coast Maine


Gallatin Wraparound - Version 2